Factbox: China regions vow to step up pollution crackdown

A humidifier works to reduce smog as people burn incense sticks to pray for good fortune for Chinese Lunar New Year of the Dog, at a temple in Zhengzhou, Henan province, China February 17, 2018. REUTERS/Stringer/Files

BEIJING (Reuters) - Eight Chinese regions have pledged to beef up anti-pollution curbs, vowing fresh cuts to smog levels, a push for cleaner water and soil, and tighter scrutiny of government officials after Beijing-led probes uncovered thousands of violations.

Here is a summary of the targets and measures proposed by the major regions:


* Aims to cut concentrations of hazardous airborne particles known as PM2.5 to 49 micrograms per cubic metre by 2020

* Will cut 3.55 million tonnes per year (tpy) of crude steel capacity and 600,000 tpy of pig iron capacity in 2018

* Still needs to close 7.1 million tpy of ironmaking capacity and 5.94 million tonnes of steelmaking capacity that Rizhao Steel Holding Group was asked to cut in 2015

* Will promote withdrawal of excess and outdated capacity in the aluminium, chemical, cement, steel and other high-polluting and high coal-consuming industries

* Inspections and large-scale overhauls of outdated coal-fired power and illegal coal-fired power generation units will continue until end-June

* By end-June, it will develop plan to reduce coal consumption by 2020


* Will reduce heavy metal pollutants in key industries by more than 10 percent from 2013 levels by 2020

* Build 20 new waste disposal facilities by end-2018, each with a capacity of at least 10,000 tonnes per day, to ease the shortage of garbage disposal capacity


* By 2020, PM2.5 levels in the capital Urumqi will have fallen by 25 percent from 2017 levels. Percentage of days with heavy and worse pollution will fall by 15 percent from 2017

* Will strictly control consumption of thermal coal during winter time, and cut production of thermal power, cement, steel, coal chemicals in winter

* By 2020, emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide will fall 3 percent from 2015 levels in areas where pollution is severe

* Will continue to crack down on use of film residue in farmland and restore polluted soil in oil and mine fields

* Will demolish small coal-fired thermal power plants that the state has ordered to shut by end-2019 and ban new small to medium-sized coal plants in Duha, Huaidong and Yili districts


* By 2020, PM2.5 levels will drop by at least 18 percent from 2015 levels and percentage of coal consumption in overall energy consumption will drop to below 63 percent

* By 2020, will eliminate small coal-powered boilers in counties and cities, and animal waste treatment rates will reach more than 75 percent

* Will strictly implement measures to cut and stop heavy manufacturing on days with heavy pollution


* Will shut 4.2 million tpy of crude steel capacity, 5 million tpy of cement, 34 million tpy of coal and 1.12 gigawatts of coal-fired power capacity by end-2020

* Government will close Dazhou Steel and Iron Corp's current factory and move it to a suburban area as soon as possible

(Reporting by Tom Daly, Hallie Gu and BEIJING newsroom; Compiled by Josephine Mason; Editing by Tom Hogue)