First 100 days of Trump on Twitter

U.S. President Donald Trump arrives onstage to deliver remarks at the National Rifle Association (NRA) Leadership Forum at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S., April 28, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

By Angela Moon (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has cemented his credentials as Tweeter in Chief since taking office. Nearly 100 days into his presidency, Trump has posted 489 tweets, or about five per day on average, typically between the hours of 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. EDT, according to data compiled by Thomson Reuters. Trump is the first U.S. president to use his personal Twitter account @realDonaldTrump. Since his account was created in 2009, Trump has sent out 34,800 tweets. One of the most active politicians on Twitter, Trump has previously expressed his love for Twitter. In Nov 2012, he tweeted: "I love Twitter .... it's like owning your own newspaper--- without the losses." The tweet got 5,033 retweets and 5,399 likes. Trump currently has 28.4 million followers. His predecessor Barack Obama, the first U.S. president to ever have a Twitter account, had 13.5 million followers on his official handle @POTUS. He sent out only 342 tweets as president. The following is a chart comparing how Trump used Twitter as a president-elect and president: Questions President-elect President Timeline Nov. 9 - Jan. 20 Jan. 21 - April 26 How frequently @realDonaldTrump 434 total tweets 489 total tweets tweets Average of 6 tweets per day Average of 5 tweets per day What hour @realDonaldTrump 8 a.m. EDT / 61 tweets 8 a.m. EDT/ 74 tweets typically tweets Hashtags/topics/handles used the Trump tweeted at news handles Trump tweeted the most at news handles such as most the most such as @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @foxandfriends @CNN about "fake news" @nytimes, calling out "fake reporting but topics changed to promoting his news" stories but used hashtags policies like #RepealANDReplace #Obamacare celebrating his win like #ThankYouTour2016 #AmericaFirst and promoting his inauguration like #InaugurationDay #Inauguration2017 Most tweeted day and why Jan. 16: 15 tweets promoting Feb 8: 11 tweets regarding Jeff Sessions' free tickets to Trump's confirmation and unfair treatment towards inauguration-related events daughter Ivanka Trump Feb. 15: 11 tweets regarding Russian intelligence probe and intelligence agency leaking How often @realDonaldTrump 413 tweets 464 tweets retweets versus tweets 22 retweets 24 retweets Trump tweets about 19x more Trump tweets about 19x more than he RTs than he RTs Most retweeted tweet Nov. 9, 2016: "Such a beautiful Jan. 22, 2017: "Peaceful protests are a and important evening! The hallmark of our democracy. Even if I don't forgotten man and woman will always agree I recognize the rights of people never be forgotten again. We to express their views" will all come together as never (83,480 retweets / 396,575 likes) before" (222,000 retweets / 635,000 likes) Followers @realDonaldTrump 21 million total net followers 28 million total net followers Followers @POTUS 14 million total net followers 17 million total net followers NOTE: Data based on Crimson Hexagon, BrandWatch, Thomson Reuters, Zoomph (Reporting by Angela Moon; editing by Diane Craft)