Factbox: Foreign and domestic policy proposals in government pact of Italy's 5-Star, League

ROME (Reuters) - Italy's anti-establishment 5-Star Movement and the far-right League published on Friday a joint policy programme for their planned coalition government.

Here are key proposals covering foreign policy, defence, justice reform, immigration and other domestic issues.

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- Membership of NATO confirmed; the United States viewed as "privileged ally"

- Russia seen as "an economic and commercial partner". Says it would be "opportune" to withdraw sanctions on Russia

- European Parliament's powers should be increased because it is the only "democratically legitimate" European institution

- Some Italian military missions abroad need to be re-assessed looking at their national relevance. Calls for a review of defence resources, possible sale of some military real estate


- Calls for an overhaul of the Dublin Treaty so that there is an "obligatory and automatic" distribution of asylum seekers throughout all the EU, instead of requiring them to stay in the country where they first touch European soil

- Calls for a "serious and efficient" deportation drive; it says more detention centres must be opened and that irregular migrants should be held in them for up to 18 months

- For "transparency" and to prevent the infiltration of militants into the country, religious leaders should be registered with the state, and they should conduct prayers and services in Italian. Financing of mosques and other religious centres should be traceable

- Shut down all camps of unregistered Roma people


- Legal reform to improve independence of judiciary from the political sphere, simplification of trials, further revision of statute of limitations

- Allow class-action cases

- Build more prisons, hire more prison staff. Hire more police; increase investment in law and order

- Increased prison terms for numerous offences, including corruption in public administration, sex crimes and theft

- Loosen restrictions on "legitimate self-defence"


Create a new ministry to focus on the needs of disabled people and a new ministry of tourism


- Overhaul parliament. Reduce number of parliamentarians in the lower house to 400 lawmakers from 630, and in the upper house to 200 from 315. A ban on lawmakers from changing parliamentary groups once elected

- An "ethical code" banning convicted criminals, even if their sentences are still under appeal, Freemasons, or those under investigation for serious crimes, including corruption, from entering government

- Abolish National Council for Work and the Economy (CNEL)

- Offer more autonomy and funding to the regions

(Reporting by Crispian Balmer; Editing by Peter Graff)