Factbox: High-profile recent U.S. captivity cases

(Reuters) - The case of 13 starving siblings aged 2 to 29 who were rescued from their dark, foul-smelling Southern California home - where some were kept in shackles - after one of them called police, joined a short, but horrifying, list of similar cases.

Here is a selection of other recent high-profile U.S. incidents where people were held in captivity:

* Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight: Former school bus driver Ariel Castro of Cleveland was charged in 2013 with kidnapping three young women and keeping them captive as sex slaves in his Cleveland home for a decade. Neighbours rescued the three after Berry in May 2013 broke out of the room she had been locked in and screamed for help. Castro was sentenced to life in prison for kidnapping and rape; he killed himself in 2013 while behind bars.

* Elizabeth Smart: A homeless man named Brian Mitchell, who claimed to be a prophet, kidnapped Smart, then age 14, in 2002. He kept her captive for nine months, raping her repeatedly and forcing her to wear long robes and a veil. He did not keep Smart locked up constantly at home, and occasionally went out with her, which led to her rescue by a sharp-eyed police officer. In 2011, Mitchell was sentenced to life in prison. Smart has gone on to become an advocate for missing persons and victims of sexual assault.

* Texas elderly: Walter Jones, 31, was arrested and charged with elder abuse in 2013 after four elderly men were found living in squalor in a home in Houston where they told authorities they had been forced to hand over their government-issued checks, including veterans benefits. The men told police they had been enticed to the house with promises of beer and cigarettes.

* Massachusetts "House of Horrors": A 31-year-old Massachusetts mother, Erika Murray, was charged with murder after police in 2014 found the remains of three babies in her home in Blackstone just north of Rhode Island, where she was found residing with four living children, ranging in age from 5 months to 13 years, who never left the house. The home was infested with rodents and insects and piled high with dirty diapers. Murray is still awaiting trial on murder charges.

(Reporting by Scott Malone; Editing by Jonathan Oatis)