Factbox: Trump taps Priebus as chief of staff, weighs other major hires

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump holds arms with Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus (R) while speaking at his election night rally in Manhattan, New York, U.S., November 9, 2016. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

By Susan Cornwell WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump chose Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus as White House chief of staff and named Stephen Bannon, former head of the conservative web site Breitbart News, as his chief strategist and senior counselor. Trump, who will take office on Jan. 20 and succeed Democratic President Barack Obama, will also look to fill other top administration jobs in the coming weeks. Below are people mentioned as contenders for senior roles. SECRETARY OF STATE * Bob Corker, Tennessee senator and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee * John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush * Newt Gingrich, Republican former U.S. House Speaker * Zalmay Khalilzad, former U.S. ambassador to Iraq TREASURY SECRETARY * Jeb Hensarling, Texas Republican congressman and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee * Steven Mnuchin, former Goldman Sachs executive and Trump's campaign finance chairman * Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase & Co chief executive officer * Tom Barrack, founder and chairman of Colony Capital Inc DEFENSE SECRETARY * Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency * Stephen Hadley, former national security adviser under President George W. Bush * Jon Kyl, former Republican senator from Arizona * Jeff Sessions, Republican senator from Alabama and early Trump supporter, member of the Senate Armed Services Committee * Kelly Ayotte, outgoing Republican senator from New Hampshire and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee * Duncan Hunter, Republican congressman from California and early Trump supporter, member of House Armed Services Committee * Jim Talent, former Republican senator from Missouri who was on the Senate Armed Services Committee ATTORNEY GENERAL * Rudy Giuliani, Republican former mayor of New York City * Jeff Sessions, senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee who takes a hard line on immigration * Chris Christie, Republican New Jersey governor * Pam Bondi, Republican Florida Attorney General * Trey Gowdy, Republican congressman from South Carolina who headed the House committee that investigated the 2012 attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SECRETARY * Ben Carson, former neurosurgeon and 2016 Republican presidential candidate * Newt Gingrich * Rich Bagger, former pharmaceutical executive and former top aide to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie * Bobby Jindal, former Louisiana governor HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY * Michael McCaul, U.S. Republican congressman from Texas and chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee * David Clarke, Milwaukee county sheriff and vocal Trump supporter * Joe Arpaio, outgoing Maricopa County, Arizona, sheriff who campaigned for Trump HEAD OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY * Myron Ebell, a climate change skeptic at the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute who is overseeing environmental policy on Trump's transition team * Robert Grady, venture capitalist, partner in private equity firm Gryphon Investors * Leslie Rutledge, Arkansas attorney general * Carol Comer, commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management ENERGY SECRETARY * Harold Hamm, Oklahoma oil and gas mogul, CEO of Continental Resources Inc * James Connaughton, CEO of Nautilus Data Technologies and a former environmental adviser to President George W. Bush * Robert Grady INTERIOR SECRETARY * Sarah Palin, Republican former Alaska governor who ran for vice president in 2008 * Jan Brewer, former Arizona governor * Forrest Lucas, founder of oil products company Lucas Oil * Harold Hamm * Robert Grady COMMERCE SECRETARY * Linda McMahon, former world Wrestling Entertainment executive and two-time Senate candidate CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DIRECTOR * Lieutenant General Michael Flynn * Mike Rogers, Republican former congressman from Michigan who chaired the House Intelligence Committee * Pete Hoekstra, Republican former congressman from Michigan NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER * Lieutenant General Michael Flynn * Stephen Hadley UNITED NATIONS AMBASSADOR * Kelly Ayotte * Richard Grenell, former spokesman for the United States at the United Nations * Peter King, Republican congressman from New York U.S. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE * Dan DiMicco, former chief executive of steel producer Nucor Corp VETERANS AFFAIRS SECRETARY * Jeff Miller, retiring congressman from Florida and chairman of the Veterans Affairs committee (Reporting by Susan Cornwell)