Fake Grocery Store Twitter Trolls Mehmet Oz Over Crudité Shopping Video

A video of former TV doc Mehmet Ozshopping for vegetables is turning out to be a fruitful source of humor for the fictional grocery he named in the video.

Last April, the Republican Senate candidate for Pennsylvania (and longtime New Jersey resident) released a video walking through a Pennsylvania grocery store supposedly looking for veggies for a crudité platter. He uses the occasion to gripe about the prices and, by extension, President Joe Biden.

In the video, Oz apparently scrambled the names of two chains in Pennsylvania, Redner’s and Wegmans, and said he was shopping at a Wegner’s — a grocery chain that doesn’t actually exist.

The video resurfaced on Monday after Oz’s Democratic opponent, John Fetterman, trolled Oz’s use of a relatively highfalutin term like “crudité.”

“In PA we call this a ... veggie tray,” Fetterman wrote on Twitter while reposting Oz’s video. Fetterman later doubled down and debuted a new campaign sticker featuring a Wegner’s logo that reads “Let them eat crudité.”

The ribbing continued on Tuesday, this time by a parody Twitter account for the fictional Wegner’s Grocery Store namechecked by Oz in his video.

The Twitter bio for the account reads “The Crudité Capital of Central PA.” HuffPost has reached out to the account to learn more about its creation.

And, yes, Twitter users were amused.

Some people had to go back to 1988 to remember of self-own as bad as Oz’s.

One Twitter user, political strategist Atima Omara, wanted to turn the whole thing into a teachable moment for future political candidates.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
