‘Fat Ronaldo’ no longer fat after shedding pounds

Ronaldo before the first episode (Disclosure / TV Globo via iG Gente) and how he looks now (Instagram)
Ronaldo before the first episode (Disclosure / TV Globo via iG Gente) and how he looks now (Instagram)

By World of Sport (original post from Yahoo! UK Eurosport can be found here)

Last September we reported that football legend Ronaldo was to appear on a Brazilian version of Celebrity Fit Club in a bid to get back into shape.

The above photo is the before and after impact that show has had on the former Real Madrid and Inter Milan striker.

The ex-goal machine had ballooned in size after retiring in 2011 but with the help of the "Fantástico" television show he is now looking better than he ever did while playing.

Ronaldo said he agreed to deal with his weight issue on television as the extra pressure would keep him motivated.

"I'm enjoying participating in the program, because it is an incentive for me to lose weight," the three time FIFA World Footballer of the Year told iG Gente just before the first episode aired.

"Maybe if I didn't have the pressure of everybody watching me trying to lose weight then I wouldn't be able to do it.

"All I can say is that I will work hard, be persistent and not give up until I reach my recommended weight."

"I want people to be inspired by me."

Consider us impressed - we're off to join a gym!

How Ronaldo looked as recently as December 20th in a charity match. (Yahoo Photo)
How Ronaldo looked as recently as December 20th in a charity match. (Yahoo Photo)

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