Fed up with being overlooked, France's Guadeloupe turns to the far right

For the second time running, the far-right National Rally came out top in European elections in the French overseas department of Guadeloupe. As France heads back to the polls to elect its parliament, analysts say voters in the Caribbean island are looking to punish the ruling parties for failing to address their concerns about the cost of living, lack of basic services and immigration.

In Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe's economic hub, taxi driver Frédéric says his taps only work one day out of two.

"In some towns the water is cut off for three, four days or a whole week at a time," he tells RFI.

Recurrent drought, combined with chronic neglect of the region's infrastructure, have left the archipelago subject to shortages, high prices and contamination so serious that UN experts say they threaten residents' human right to safe water.

"In mainland France, one day without water is a problem and in three days it's fixed. Not here," says Frédéric.

While the central government has promised investment to overhaul Guadeloupe's water network, authorities estimate that between 60 and 70 percent of the population is still living with regular cuts.

Frédéric takes it as symptomatic of a lack of interest from the parliament in Paris. "None of the politicians really take their job seriously," he complains. "I'd even go so far to say they've quit.

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Read also:
Anger and frustration in France's overseas territories ahead of snap polls
How France's far-right National Rally finally hooked the women's vote
France imposes curfew on minors in Guadeloupe in bid to cut crime