Felicia Chin recounts how Jeffrey Xu broke a flower pot in Osaka and impressed her by confessing to the owner instead of running away

The Singapore actress was reflecting on the year that had passed and recounting an incident from the celebrity couple's Osaka honeymoon in March 2023.

Felicia Chin reflected on how husband Jeffrey Xu handled the situation after breaking someone’s flower pot, and felt that she chose the right man. (Photo: Instagram/iamfeliciachin)
Felicia Chin reflected on how husband Jeffrey Xu handled the situation after breaking someone’s flower pot, and felt that she chose the right man. (Photo: Instagram/iamfeliciachin)

There were only two choices for Singapore-based actor Jeffrey Xu after he broke someone's flower pot in a Japanese neighbourhood — run or face the music. But he bravely chose the latter, and it impressed his wife, fellow actress Felicia Chin.

The 39-year-old started 2024 by sharing a video reflecting on the previous year, and recounted an incident that happened when the couple were on their honeymoon in Osaka in March.

Both of them were in a neighbourhood with one-storey landed houses, and they wanted to take some photos because they were dressed up.

In the video published 1 Jan, Chin said, “He was modelling outside one of the houses. He was swinging his large bag as he walked up and down. He accidentally hit a flower pot outside the house and it crashed to the floor.”

Instead of running away, Xu walked up to the door of the house and knocked. An elderly Japanese lady answered the door and Xu confessed what had happened.

Chin added, “At that moment, I felt I chose the right husband. I thought he was really responsible. We could have needed to pay a lot of money and we didn’t know how she would have reacted. But he didn’t run and chose to face up to it.

“Thankfully, the lady was really nice and kept saying ‘It’s okay’. It felt like she was thankful that we told her about it.”

This encounter affirmed that Chin “made the right choice” by marrying Xu.

Chin also shared a reminder that her friend gave her recently. She said, “Don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the shoulder and tell yourself, ‘You’ve been very brave this year. You have overcome a lot.’ Don’t forget to encourage yourself.”

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