Finland may reinstate Schengen checks for Trump-Putin summit

HELSINKI (Reuters) - Finland is considering reinstating border controls for travellers from Schengen countries for four days from Friday, during the Helsinki summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"In order to increase security, we have assessed that reinstating control in our internal borders would be justified," said Kimmo Elomaa, a senior official at the Ministry of Interior.

He said the aim was to block access of individuals who might disturb general order and security during the summit.

The government is to make the official decision on the border checks at its meeting on Friday. Trump and Putin will meet in Helsinki on Monday, July 16.

Several demonstrations have been planned during their visit to Helsinki. The biggest one, billed as promoting environment, peace, human rights and democracy, is scheduled for Sunday, the day Trump is expected to arrive.

The 26 European countries in the Schengen agreement allow free movement among them without border controls.

Finland last reinstated border control for travellers from Schengen countries in 2008, for a meeting of foreign ministers of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

(Reporting by Jussi Rosendahl; editing by Andrew Roche)