First trailer for Taron Egerton's Tetris movie confirms release date

taron egerton, nikita efremov, tetris
First trailer for Taron Egerton's Tetris movieApple TV/Angus Pigott

Taron Egerton's upcoming movie Tetris has released its first trailer and announced a release date for next month.

Directed by Jon S Baird (Filth), the thriller tells the incredible true story of how one of the world's most popular video games managed to reach avid players all across the globe.

In the new trailer, Egerton's moustached character Henk Rogers risks everything by travelling to the Soviet Union in order to collaborate with the game's inventor, Alexey Pajitnov (Nikita Efremov), so they can bring Tetris to the masses.

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"It's poetry," says Henk. "Art and math all working in magical synchronicity. It's the perfect game."

However, acquiring the rights to the game isn't as simple as it appears, as Henk soon finds himself in a high-stakes legal battle against some of the "most powerful men in the communist party".

Aside from Egerton and Efremov, the film also stars Toby Jones (The Wonder), Roger Allam (The Thick of It), Anthony Boyle (The Plot Against America) and Togo Igawa (The Gentlemen).

As for for that all-important release date? Tetris will be available to stream on Apple TV+ from March 31.

taron egerton, tetris trailer
Apple TV

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Egerton is next expected to reprise his role as Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin in the third Kingsman film, which, according to the man himself, will begin filming this year.

"My understanding is that we are to be shooting the third instalment in my saga I believe next year," the Rocketman star revealed last year.

"But you know, don't listen to what I say because I don't really know. You know, they're grown-up decisions."

Tetris will be available to stream on Apple TV+ from March 31.

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