Florence Pugh admits divisive way of preparing tea

Florence Pugh has shown how she likes to make her tea, which she has predicted may cause some debate among her fellow Brits.

The Good Person star appeared on the popular YouTube series Hot Ones, by First We Feast, where she ate a number of increasingly spicy hot sauces on vegan chicken wings.

At the end of the episode, released on Thursday (30 March), Pugh was offered a tray with a tea set to demonstrate her method of pouring a cuppa.

The 27-year-old star began as usual, by placing tea bags in the two cups in front of her. She confirmed they were Yorkshire Gold tea bags, a favourite brand of her family.

Pugh poured hot water into one of the cups and then pointed out a mistake she made: “I just poured too much water in that one, so you need to leave room for milk.”

She then placed a chocolate digestive on the side of each tea cup. At one point, Pugh realised she used the hand she had been handling the hot sauces with the touch one of the biscuits and stopped in her tracks.

Hot Ones host Sean Evans offered to take the contaminated biscuit, but Pugh was able to replace it with a fresh one.

Just before she pours milk into her brew, Pugh said: “I like having the tea bag still in [the cup], some people don’t like having the tea bag still inside.”

She acknowledged that this was a divisive practice, adding: “Online, people are going to be like, ‘Argh, she’s crazy’ or ‘Oh my god, that’s the only way you should do it’, but genuinely it is so divisive it’s best not to talk about it when you make friends with someone, because it could actually be the defining thing.”

Pugh explained that the “reason why I like [leaving the tea bag in the cup] is because you get to make it into a thicker brew, and I like that”.

The Don’t Worry Darling star was certainly right about her method of brewing tea, as fans took to social media to share their opinions.

“Florence Pugh is crazy for keeping the tea bag in the cup,” one person declared, with another person describing the cuppa as “stewed, I tell ya”.

However, others suggested that Pugh start her own show where she has tea with a guest.

“100 per cent would watch Tea Time with Florence Pugh,” one person wrote.

Another said: “The things I would do to sit down and have a cup of tea with Florence Pugh.”

Earlier this week, the actor revealed that she has a very specific preference when it comes to her cocktail order.

In an appearance on the Off Menu podcast with hosts Ed Gamble and James Acaster, Pugh went into great detail about how she thinks a martini should be made.

“I’m going to order a wonderful martini and it’s going to be a dry Belvedere vodka martini with a twist, no vermouth, in an extra-cold glass taken from the freezer,” she said, emphasising the importance of no vermouth and a glass that is taken out of the freezer right before the cocktail is poured into it.

She also hinted to fans that her own cookery show is “in the works”, as she has become known for her social media series Cooking with Flo.