Florida says four new locally transmitted Zika cases, Congress must act on funds

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are seen inside Oxitec laboratory in Campinas, Brazil, February 2, 2016. REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker/File Photo

(Reuters) - Florida has four new cases of people likely infected with Zika through mosquito bites in Miami, Governor Rick Scott said on Tuesday, as he urged Congress to reconvene and approve additional money to combat the virus. The additional cases are all in a one-square mile area in Miami-Dade County that includes Miami's Wynwood district, Scott said, bringing the total of locally transmitted cases in the state to 21. "Every day that passes that Congress and the president fail to come to an agreement hinders our national response to Zika," Scott said in a statement. "The federal government must stop playing politics and Congress needs to immediately come back to session to resolve this." (Reporting by Colleen Jenkins; Editing by Bernard Orr)