Flying suplex, Neymar, nude rugby: world's most-watched sports videos

Do you know about the Flying Squirrel? Thanks to nimble wrestler Ellis Coleman, if you don't already then you will now, as his athletic moves became YouTube's top sports video of the week, August 3.

On the other side of the world, New Zealand's Nude Rugby International was in full swing.

Kevin Durant hit a 66 point hot streak during the Entertainer's Basketball Classic at Rucker Park in Harlem, New York.

In Brazil, wonderkid Neymar scored twice for Santos, with one of the goals being particularly skillful.

However, it was former World Player of the Year Ronaldinho who bagged a hat trick for rivals Flamengo, driving a comeback from 3-0 down to win by 5 goals to 4.

YouTube's most watched sports videos of the week (total views)
1) Greco-Roman Wrestling Super Flying Suplex (3,762,273)
2) Kevin Durant: Catches Fire in the 4th (1,672,919)
3) The Amazing NEYMAR (Santos x Flamengo) (1,442,596)

Tudou's most watched sports videos of the week
1) Nudist rugby in New Zealand (109,399)
2) Sun Yang: 1500m world record swimmer (105,359)
3) Kobe Bryant: Ball Means Everything (73,350)

Nicovideo's most watched sports videos of the week (requires free registration)
1) Japanese school's J-pop theme tune (66,221)
2) Ichiro: Laserbeam throw - Perfume mix (324,886)
3) CSKA Moscow vs PFK Sovetov (38,741)

Dailymotion's most watched sports videos of the week
1) Manchester United v Barcelona (218,864)
2) MLS All-Stars v Manchester United (77,807)
3) Galatasaray SK v Liverpool (36,483)