Former Italy PM Silvio Berlusconi Promises 'Bus Of Whores' If His Soccer Team Wins

Silvio Berlusconi, the outspoken and controversial former prime minister of Italy, promised players for Monza — the top-flight Italian soccer team he’s owned since 2018 ― that he’d provide them with prostitutes if they beat a top rival.

“I told the guys … now you will play Milan, Juventus. If you win against one of these top teams, I’ll bring a bus of whores into the locker room,” the populist politician — often called the original Donald Trump — said at a club Christmas dinner this week in a video that’s gone viral online, reported Reuters.

The misogynistic comment prompted laughter from the audience.

The 86-year-old billionaire media tycoon responded to criticism later on Instagram, calling his comment a “locker room” joke.

The line echoed what Trump said when audio leaked during the 2016 presidential campaign of him boasting about being able to sexually assault women because of his fame.

Berlusconi served as Italy’s prime minister three times from 1994 to 2011. He was never far from scandal, including his infamous “Bunga Bunga” parties and his conviction for tax fraud.

He now leads the Forza Italia party, which is governing in alliance with far-right Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni following her election victory in September.