Former mayor in Chinese port city of Ningbo to be prosecuted

BEIJING (Reuters) - China's ruling Communist Party has expelled a former mayor of the port city of Ningbo, accusing him of taking bribes, trading influence and money for sex, indulging in "superstitious activities" and violating rules on extravagance and use of private clubs. Authorities in March announced an investigation into Lu Ziyue for "suspected serious disciplinary violations", a euphemism for corruption. But on Tuesday, the party's graft-busting commission listed the allegations against Lu. "Evidence and all related funds and assets have been transferred to judicial authorities to be handled according to law," the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said, paving the way for Lu's prosecution. It was not possible to reach Lu for comment and unclear if he has retained a lawyer. Lu, 54, who spent his career in Zhejiang province south of Shanghai, was deputy secretary of the party's Ningbo branch in addition to being mayor. Ningbo and neighbouring Zhoushan are home to the world's sixth biggest container port, according to 2013 data on the website of the World Shipping Council. Chinese President Xi Jinping has warned that rampant corruption threatens the survival of the Communist Party and his anti-corruption campaign has brought down scores of top officials in the party, the government, the military and state-owned companies. (Reporting by Michael Martina; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore)