Exclusive: Former Neighbours actor Barry Conrad on new projects and Kane future

barry conrad
Former Neighbours star on Kane return chancesBrendon Thorne - Getty Images

Former Neighbours star Barry Conrad is calling on some old soap friends as he works on a new online project.

The actor, who played Erinsborough bad boy Kane Jones for two stints between 2019 and 2021, has launched his own online interview series titled Banter With BC.

Banter With BC sees Barry connect with well-known industry peers over great food. Home and Away favourite Ethan Browne, aka Tane Parata, is among those who have already recorded an episode. They first worked together last year, when Barry played poker player Jack in a high-stakes Summer Bay gambling storyline.

Digital Spy recently caught up with Barry for an exclusive chat about his latest work and the chances of seeing him back in either of the Aussie soaps.

barry conrad
Don Arnold - Getty Images

How did Banter With BC come about?

"I was wondering how I could change things up. Social media is a big part of our industry and one thing that was really pulling at me was the desire to connect. For me that means food and conversation, two of my favourite things.

"So I thought: 'Why not get people together and film it – us just having a meal?' So Banter with BC started as just that and it's grown from there."

How's it going so far?

"We're onto the sixth episode which is quite cool, and there are more guests coming in. It's been really fulfilling and fun. Although I'm putting away a lot of calories because sometimes it's two episodes in one day! (Laughs.)

"I'm having the best time. It's fascinating connecting with people and showing that celebrities, or people with a profile, are just normal people. Seeing them just shooting the breeze in a candid way is good and I've loved doing it."

Ethan Browne is one of the most recent guests. Did you know him before you had the poker storyline together in Home and Away?

"We literally first met at the table playing poker for Home and Away! Although I had known of him because I knew Rob Kipa, who played his brother Ari in the show.

"During a big part of COVID, I was living in Rob's neighbourhood. I didn't know him but we met at an event and connected on Instagram. We met again at a local café and just started chatting – he talked about Ethan then.

"I hadn't met Ethan until we worked together on Home and Away and since then we kept in touch. We're going to the Logies soon and we'll hang out there. We both love music and jamming too. He's a Kiwi and I'm a Kiwi, so there's that too.

"Filming Ethan's episode was funny. Before every episode, I ask if the guest has dietary requirements or if they drink. Ethan said: 'If I do eat, it'll probably just be protein, and I don't really drink'. He seemed really careful, but when he got there, he – out of every guest – ordered the most food and drank straight away!"

Will any more of your friends from Neighbours or Home and Away pop up?

"I've asked Ben Turland [who played Neighbours' Hendrix Greyson]. Ben said that he'd love to, but he'd just flown somewhere to shoot something. He said: 'Hit me up when I'm back and we'll make it happen'. I said to him that'd be a good reunion for the Neighbours fans who loved the Kane and Hendrix storyline we had together, so that'd be cool.

"I have nothing but good things to say about Ben. I do see him around because he's been in Sydney for a while. He's such a cool cat and what you see is what you get. He's so talented and there are big things coming for him."

What else do you have coming up?

"I am going to be in another series coming out, which is exciting. It's called Erotic Stories. It's not a soap, it's more adult.

"All I can say is that my character's name is Bradley and he's a finance bro. The rest I'll leave up to your imagination. His sexuality is not established and 'dot dot dot'…

"I'm also involved in an upcoming podcast called We Are Lonely, where I'm acting as a mentor. I didn't expect to hear about anything like this at all and I didn't feel qualified. But they thought I'd be a good person to mentor one of the participants, because we both come from the social media space.

"It's actually been so gratifying, because we help these people find strategies to get out of feeling lonely. The participants struggle with feeling isolated, or maybe don't know how to start taking a step forward with what they're doing, like shooting a video or socialising with someone.

"These are things that may seem basic, but you quickly realise that everyone has a different life to you and not everybody is the same. It's been super rewarding, very challenging and very meaningful. That's coming out in August."

Have you ever experienced loneliness yourself?

"I'm probably more of an introvert, but I know how to be an extrovert. Of course I've definitely felt isolation, particularly in my industry. You can finish an amazing day on set, but if you're not in your home town, you can go back to an empty hotel room. You have this amazing high, then you go back and you wonder who's going to share that moment with you.

"I also get what it's like moving through the world looking the way I do. Being a Black mixed race man, moving through the world and navigating the industry is different. I have some pretty shocking horror stories with what's happened there as well. It can be hard, as you can feel very othered. I might appear extroverted, but I absolutely do feel and experience those challenges."

barry conrad
Lisa Maree Williams - Getty Images

Since you last did a Digital Spy chat, you moved from Neighbours to Home and Away for a guest appearance in the Mackenzie casino night storyline. How was that experience?

"I felt really welcomed. I did have some people going: 'Kane was playing blackjack and Jack's playing poker? Are they stealing the storylines?' But I don't know, I'm just the actor! (Laughs.)

"A lot of my friends were jokingly asking me: 'Bro, are you playing Kane's brother, what's the deal?' But I do like playing that vibe because I'm nothing like that bad boy character, which I do enjoy playing because it's so different from me.

"Home and Away was a lot of fun. Jacqui Purvis (Felicity) and Nicholas Cartwright (Cash) are signed with my agent too. It's family vibes and I had a really good experience.

"I wasn't on it for very long at all, but I had an amazing time. Maybe I'll go back to the Bay, who knows?"

Would you be interested in going back, even if it was as a different character?

"I know coming back as a different character sometimes happens on Home and Away and on Neighbours as well. Of course, if the right character came along and everything aligned, I'd totally be keen for that. We'll see what happens. Anything can happen in this business."

hendrix greyson and jay rebecchi take part in kane jones's card game in neighbours
Fremantle - Channel 5

How did you feel about the drama of Neighbours being axed last year and then revived?

"First of all it was sad, because I thought the show ending was unfair. It's the longest-running show here in Australia and the ratings are great, so that wasn't the reason it was ending. I was wondering: 'Can't someone swoop in and intervene financially? There's got to be a solution'. I was very surprised and disappointed.

"It was sad to see the show end, because some people had been there since the beginning and that's their livelihoods. Also, Kane would have maybe come back, who knows? I'm not saying anything, but there was a lot at stake for me too.

"When it got picked up again, I was very happy about that. It's an institution at this point, everybody knows Neighbours and it's so fondly thought of in Australia."

Would you return for the Neighbours revival if they asked?

"Absolutely! If that happened, I would like to see a bit of redemption for Kane and see a little bit of a change. It's been a bit of time since we last saw him and people change and evolve.

"It would make sense to have something different going on, but of course I've got such a soft spot for Kane. I would love to come back, so we'll see."

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