Former teacher Markus Hicks faces new 63 charges in expanding sexual violence case

On Thursday Markus Hicks virtually appeared before St. John’s provincial court from the Bishop Falls Correctional Facility.
Markus Hicks virtually appeared before St. John’s provincial court Thursday from the Bishop's Falls Correctional Facility. (Elizabeth Whitten/CBC)

A St. John's teacher and volleyball coach who police say used fake online accounts to find victims is facing dozens of new charges coming out of a police investigation that is still growing.

The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary said Thursday that Hicks has been charged with 63 new counts related to 11 new complainants, who range as young as 12 to adults at the time the offences are alleged to have occurred.

Hicks, 32, is now facing more than 200 sexual violence charges connected to 35 complainants.

Hicks appeared Thursday in a St. John's provincial courtroom by teleconference from the Bishop's Falls correctional facility on the new charges.

Crown attorney Mark James asked for a publication ban for the identities of the new complainants. As well, 12 names were added to a non-contact order.

During his court appearance, Hicks was mostly quiet except to answer Judge Mike Madden, who asked if Hicks could hear him through the system. He later thanked the judge and wished him a good day.

The investigation into Hicks began last August. The RNC said in a statement Thursday it has uncovered tens of thousands of images and videos dating back 15 years.

Thursday's announcement of new charges is not the first time the case against Hicks has expanded.

When he was initially charged in September 2023, police said there was only one complainant and believed there could be more.

Later that month, Hicks was charged with another 49 charges. In March police announced they were laying another 63 charges from 10 new complainants.

Some of the charges he was already facing include luring a child, disguise with intent, sexual assault and possession of child pornography.

In April he pleaded not guilty to the charges then against him.

Police have alleged that Hicks has used multiple social media accounts and aliases to contact people. Hicks faces multiple counts of identity fraud.

Hicks is due back in court on June 21.

None of the allegations has been proven in court.

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