Fox News Analyst Laughs Off New GOP Whistleblower Allegations Against Biden

Fox News analyst Juan Williams dismissed growing claims by GOP lawmakers that whistleblowers have damning evidence on the Bidens. (Watch the video below.)

The allegations amount to “a bunch of rumors and innuendo and no hard evidence,” Williams said Friday on the conservative channel. He compared the assertions to the Democrats’ flawed Steele dossier, written by former British spy Christopher Steele, that contained lurid accusations of Donald Trump romping with sex workers in Russia.

Congressional Republicans, still sore over a plea deal that the president’s son Hunter Biden reached for tax evasion and gun charges, continued to introduce supposed proof of Joe Biden’s involvement in shady business dealings.

This week, GOP lawmakers pushed a 2017 WhatsApp message purportedly showing Hunter Biden pressuring a Chinese business associate to act on a deal while wielding Joe Biden’s influence.

“I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father,” the message supposedly reads.

But Williams wasn’t impressed.

“What we have this week was a decision by a Trump-appointed prosecutor who had full authority over the case, by his own account, to bring two misdemeanor charges basically against Hunter Biden,” Williams said. “That was it. All these other things that we’re hearing about — an app message? We don’t know if the president was involved, and he wasn’t even president or vice president at the time. This was from 2017.”

“Last week, Sen. [Chuck] Grassley [R-Iowa] said he had a tape of somebody,” Williams continued. “This week you’ve got an app message. I don’t know what’s coming next week, but it looks like this is the Republican version of the Steele dossier with a bunch of rumors and innuendo and no hard evidence. No proof. Nothing!” he added with a smile.

Conservative columnist Marc Thiessen replied that the message did seem to disprove Joe Biden’s claim that he never talked business with his son, and that there is a screenshot of the communiqué.

Williams, one of the right-wing channel’s moderate voices, was still not moved.

“Marc, obviously this was in 2017,” Williams retorted. “I repeat myself. And Joe Biden was not an official in any capacity as vice president or president.”

The Justice Department concluded a five-year investigation of Hunter Biden last week that will likely result in no jail time. Many Republicans, including a whistleblower from the IRS, claim that Attorney General Merrick Garland influenced the probe, but Garland said he wielded no authority.

(h/t Mediaite)
