France blasts EU over passivity in Syrian civil war

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius speaks during a United Nations Security Council meeting on Iraq at U.N. headquarters in New York, September 19, 2014. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - France sharply criticized the European Union on Wednesday, saying its passivity in Syria's three-year-old civil war had helped encouraged chaos and allowed the conflict to radicalize. "Like many others France has called for action for three years now," French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told a high-level meeting with members of the Syrian opposition on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly. "But we must acknowledge that the passivity of the European (Union) has nourished the chaos spread by (Syrian President) Bashar al-Assad and has ... in a sense led to, or at least permitted, this radicalization," he added. (Reporting by Rodrigo Campos, writing by Louis Charbonneau)