France plans military meeting on Islamic State, says group retreating

Islamic State billboards are seen along a street in Raqqa, eastern Syria, which is controlled by the Islamic State, October 29, 2014. The billboard (R) reads: "We will win despite the global coalition". REUTERS/Nour Fourat/Files

PARIS (Reuters) - Members of the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State will meet in Paris next week to reinforce efforts against the group, France's defence minister said on Thursday, adding that the militants were clearly retreating in Iraq. "We struck last night in Mosul on a Daesh telecommunications centre, a propaganda centre. What we can say today is that Daesh is retreating in Iraq," he said, referring to the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State. Le Drian will host his U.S., British and German counterparts in Paris next week to refine strategy. "We'll see how we can intensify our efforts in Iraq and Syria," he said. (Reporting by Andrew Callus; Writing by John Irish; Editing by James Regan)