France urges Israeli restraint after Gaza deaths

Palestinians take cover from Israeli snipers during clashes at the Gaza-Israel border at a protest demanding the right to return to their homeland, in the southern Gaza Strip March 31, 2018. REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Files

PARIS (Reuters) - France urged Israel on Sunday to show restraint following its military response to Palestinian demonstrations on the Gaza-Israel border that killed at least 15.

"France reminds the Israeli authorities of their duty to protect civilians and urges them to show the greatest restraint," a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said in a statement.

"France also highlights the Palestinians' right to peacefully demonstrate," she added.

Israel's defence minister rejected calls for an independent investigation by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Federica Mogherini, the European Union's foreign policy chief, and other leaders.

(Reporting by Leigh Thomas; Editing by Robin Pomeroy)