France working on draft U.N. resolution for Aleppo - diplomats

Evacuees from rebel-held eastern Aleppo, arrive to an area on the western edge of Aleppo city which is held by insurgents, Syria December 16, 2016. REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah

PARIS (Reuters) - France is drafting a U.N. Security Council resolution that aims to ensure international observers are deployed to process the evacuation of civilians from Aleppo and enable humanitarian aid to reach the Syrian city, diplomats said on Friday. The evacuation of people from the last opposition-held areas of the city was suspended on Friday after pro-government militias demanded that the wounded should also be brought out of two Shi'ite villages being besieged by rebel fighters. "We are working on a resolution," one French diplomat said. A second diplomat confirmed the move. At France's request, the United Nations aid chief Stephen O'Brien is set to brief the Security Council on Friday on the operation to evacuate thousands of civilians and fighters from Aleppo. The meeting was not initially aimed at putting a resolution to a vote and it was unclear immediately when and if the resolution would go forward. French diplomats appeared caught by surprise after comments from President Francois Hollande overnight in Brussels announcing a new draft resolution at the end of a European leaders' summit. "Humanitarian corridors need to be protected, international observers must be present and we must avoid reprisals against civilian populations that take refuge in other cities," Hollande said. "The Security Council could, without any blockages, adopt these urgent humanitarian measures very quickly," he added, saying they could be followed by a wider ceasefire that paved the way for a broader political negotiation. Russia and China have previously protected the Syrian government from council action by blocking several resolutions, including a bid to refer the situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court. When asked why Russia would not veto this particular effort, Hollande said it aimed purely to save lives. "Russia has put its veto down several times to political resolutions ... but would Russia veto a resolution that has a simple objective of ensuring access to humanitarian aid and to protect civilian populations? I couldn't imagine that they could do that," Hollande said. Russia and China on Dec 6 vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution put forward by New Zealand that would have demanded a seven-day truce in Syria's Aleppo, with Russia arguing it would allow rebels to regroup. (Reporting by John Irish and Jean-Baptiste Vey)