Frank Reich says Panthers 'couldn’t be happier' to have Bryce Young over C.J. Stroud

When quarterbacks go in the same first round they'll be compared forever, and that is supercharged when those quarterbacks go first and second overall.

The Carolina Panthers play the Houston Texans on Sunday, and after seven weeks we're already wondering if the Panthers got the right guy.

Carolina took Bryce Young, who has been OK. The Texans selected C.J. Stroud and he has been historic.

Stroud looks like a veteran and began his career by setting a record for most passes to start a career without an interception. The Texans are a surprising 3-3. The Panthers are 0-6.

While it's easy to compare the two quarterbacks, even a few weeks into what should be long careers, the Panthers aren't ready to give any hints of buyer's remorse.

Panthers discuss Bryce Young over C.J. Stroud

Panthers coach Frank Reich was asked if the team still thinks it made the right decision when it picked Young over Stroud.

There's not much Reich can say in that situation other than back up his quarterback, but his answer was still telling.

“Yeah, we got the guy that we wanted to get,” Reich told the media, via Steve Reed of the Associated Press. “Couldn’t be happier about that, in every way. I'd say this: I am happy for C.J. He’s had six good games, and I have no doubt he will have many more good games. But I know this: When it comes to evaluating quarterbacks or any other position, it's years, not weeks."

That's fair. Nothing is set in stone after six games, or even a year or two. It does already look like the Panthers gave up way too much in the trade up for the No. 1 pick to take Young, but if Young turns into a top-tier quarterback then it might not matter what they gave up for him. And there's still time for Young to become that, obviously.

"You can't put a label on a guy after six weeks, or even a year," Reich said. "I've seen guys have Pro Bowl seasons and then a year later fighting to be a backup somewhere else. It's a crazy league. What you're looking for, and what we're looking for not just from our quarterback but every position, is sustained success at a high level for a very long time. You can't measure that in weeks."

It's also true that through the first glimpses at both quarterbacks, Stroud looks like a future star and we're not sure yet on Young.

Bryce Young and the Carolina Panthers face the Houston Texans on Sunday. (Photo by Megan Briggs/Getty Images)
Bryce Young and the Carolina Panthers face the Houston Texans on Sunday. (Photo by Megan Briggs/Getty Images)

Young vs. Stroud

At this very early stage, the story of the 2023 draft class might be how good Stroud has looked. Here's how he compares to Young:

Young (five games): 967 yards, six TD, four INT, 78.7 passer rating

Stroud (six games): 1,660 yards, nine TD, one INT, 96.4 passer rating

Nobody should be declaring any victories yet, but the Texans surely have to be excited about what they've seen so far from Stroud.

Young wasn't put in a good situation (though, to be fair, neither was Stroud or most top-five picks at quarterback who have to play right away), and it will take some time for the Panthers to build around him. Young has not been bad, especially considering the team context, he just hasn't been a rocket ship right away as a rookie. If Stroud wasn't playing, it wouldn't be a big deal.

This Sunday, we see both rookie quarterbacks on the field at the same time. It would help the narrative with Young and the Panthers if they can get their first win.