Freed Fijian U.N. peacekeepers arrive at Golan crossing - al Jazeera

U.N. vehicles drive in Syria near the border fence with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights September 2, 2014. REUTERS/Baz Ratner

DUBAI (Reuters) - Al Jazeera television said on Thursday that vehicles carrying dozens of Fijian U.N. peacekeepers, released by an al Qaeda-backed group, arrived at a Golan Heights crossing. It was not clear which crossing the peacekeepers were at. Earlier the television channel had said that the Nusra Front had freed the peacekeepers it seized two weeks ago on the Golan Heights and they had arrived at the Quneitra crossing between the Israeli-held portion of Golan and Syrian territory. (Writing by Yara Bayoumy; Editing by Louise Ireland)