French PM knocks Le Pen, Fillon stance on security after Paris shooting

French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve (C), Justice Minister Jean-Jacques Urvoas (R) and Interior Minister Matthias Fekl speak at the end of a defence council at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, April 21, 2017. REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer

PARIS (Reuters) - Far-right leader and French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen was looking to exploit a shooting in Paris, which killed a policeman, to score political points and divide people, Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said on Friday. Cazeneuve, a member of France's Socialist government, took aim at Le Pen's reaction to the shooting and also singled out conservative candidate Francois Fillon, criticising his record on security when he was prime minister. Cazeneuve knocked back Le Pen's call on Friday to reinstate border checks and expel foreigners on intelligence watchlists, saying she had voted against the government security efforts previously. He said le Pen was seeking "to exploit fear without any shame." He added that there was nothing in the shooting investigation linking immigration to the incident. (Reporting by Sudip Kar-Gupta and Sarah White; Editing by Leigh Thomas)