French PM steps in to boost Macron's ailing EU parliament campaign

France's prime minister faced allegations of intentionally overshadowing the head of the ruling party's list in the European elections by making a surprise appearance on stage during her radio debate.

Prime Minister Gabriel Attal walked into Franceinfo's radio debate featuring lead candidates during an exchange between the anchor and Valerie Hayer, the head of the ruling party's list for the June 9 polls.

Hayer's campaign has struggled to resonate with the public, while the French far right appears poised for a significant victory, marking a major setback for President Emmanuel Macron's Renaissance party.

"Hello, sorry I'm bursting onto the stage," Attal said to the audience as Hayer looked on, explaining that he wanted to address the young viewers and "encourage Valerie."

He then delivered a brief speech emphasizing that key issues like climate change "can only be tackled through Europe."

The head of the hard-left France Unbowed (LFI) party's list for the elections Manon Aubry posted a video of the event calling it the "definition of mansplaining".

She added:"The intrusion of Mr. Attal into Ms. Hayer's interview is outrageous...just like Macron's appearance on the 8 PM news the day before the campaign ended. They humiliate their lead candidate just as they humiliate the French people and have no respect for democracy."

LFI MP Raquel Garrido called the incident "mansplaining or, to be more precise, manterrupting", using an American English neologism coined by feminists.

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