French police detain 29 people in latest post-attack sweep

An armed French policeman secures the scene at the raid zone in Saint-Denis, near Paris, France, November 18, 2015 to catch fugitives from Friday night's deadly attacks in the French capital. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier

PARIS (Reuters) - French police arrested 29 people in searches on Tuesday night as part of broader investigations into suspected Islamist activity in the wake of Friday's Paris attacks, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said on Wednesday. Of them, 25 of them were held in custody and some 34 weapons were seized during those searches. Overall, there have been 414 police raids in the wake of the attack, with a total 60 in police custody, 118 under house arrest, and 75 weapons seized, Cazeneuve said in a statement, adding that the operation would continue in the days ahead. (Reporting by Ingrid Melander; Editing by Brian Love)