Game of Thrones prequel The Hedge Knight pauses pre-production

The Game of Thrones prequel series The Hedge Knight (or A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight to give it its full title) is officially on pause.

Last month, HBO ordered the latest TV expansion of George R R Martin's fantasy world and the project was in the early stages of pre-production. But the Writers Guild of America strike that was announced last week means no one is currently working on the show.

Writing on his blog, Martin confirmed the pause and gave his public backing to the writers.

"The writer[s'] room on A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS: THE HEDGE KNIGHT has closed for the duration [of the strike]. Ira Parker and his incredible staff of young talents are on the picket lines," he wrote.

george rr martin attends the 2023 image film awards during the 2023 atlanta film festival at the fox theatre on april 23, 2023 in atlanta, georgia
Paras Griffin - Getty Images

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"I am not in LA, so I cannot walk a picket line as I did in 1988, but I want to go on the record with my full and complete and unequivocal support of my Guild," Martin said elsewhere in the post.

"How long will the strike last? No idea. Maybe the AMPTP [Alliance of Motion Pictures and Television Producers] members will come to their senses tomorrow and offer some meaningful concessions, and the whole thing can be wrapped up next week," he added.

"I would not bet the ranch on that, however."

Martin also confirmed that production on season two of House of the Dragon, which began in April in England and Wales, will continue. The reason for this is that the scripts for all eight episodes were written months ago. However, there will be no scriptwriters on hand to perform any rewrites.

matt smith, house of the dragon

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"Every episode has gone through four or five drafts and numerous rounds of revisions, to address HBO notes, my notes, budget concerns, etc. There will be no further revisions," Martin explained.

As this is a television and movie writers' strike, Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire books (which inspired the Game of Thrones TV series)won't be affected. He noted in this recent blog post that his sixth book, The Winds of Winter, is "priority number one".

Game of Thrones seasons 1-8 are available on DVD and Blu-ray. House of the Dragon airs on HBO in the US, and on Sky Atlantic and NOW in the UK.

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