Gamekeeper who filmed animal fights for TikTok spared jail

The Scottish SPCA is disappointed a gamekeeper who filmed animal fights and shared them on TikTok and Snapchat has been spared jail.

Ryan Martin, 23, orchestrated bloody fights between his three dogs against wild animals, including badgers and foxes.

Throughout the clips uploaded online, Martin can be heard encouraging the dogs - Storm, Beau and Boss - to attack.

WARNING: This article contains an image of dead animals

Martin was snared after the Scottish SPCA and Police Scotland were alerted to his crimes.

The dogs were taken to a vet to be examined and found to have injuries consistent with animal fighting.

The Scottish SPCA added that items seized from Martin's address tested positive for badger, fox and deer DNA, which reportedly confirmed his involvement in animal fighting.

Martin, of Laurencekirk in Aberdeenshire, was found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to the three dogs under his care and keeping or training dogs for the purposes of animal fights.

At Aberdeen Sheriff Court last week, Martin was handed a community payback order with 175 hours of unpaid work.

He was also banned from owning or keeping animals for five years.

The Scottish SPCA said it is disappointed Martin was spared jail as the animal welfare charity believes a custodial sentence would have deterred others from committing such crimes.

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A special investigations officer said: "The level of cruelty Martin inflicted on both wild animals and his own dogs undoubtedly caused severe physical and psychological pain and suffering.

"Our special investigations unit leads the way when it comes to taking on these brutal groups involved in animal fights.

"This was an incredibly sophisticated investigation which showed the accused was guilty.

"No animal deserves to be injured or killed in the name of sport or left to die a slow painful death.

"Without a custodial sentence, our fear is that Martin, and others who are involved in animal fighting, won't stop offending."