GE2020: Ex-MUIS deputy chief exec among PAP's new candidates
SINGAPORE — A former deputy chief executive of the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore, or MUIS, was among a slate of new candidates introduced by vice-chairman of the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) Masagos Zulkifli on Wednesday (24 June).
Fahmi Aliman, 48, a former colonel who was in the army for 26 years, left MUIS in March and is currently director of the National Trades Union Congress’ administration and research unit.
Three other candidates were also introduced by Masagos in the second candidate introduction session held via teleconferencing by the PAP on Wednesday morning: former Administrative Service officer Yip Hon Weng, 43; lawyer Hany Soh, 33; and chartered accountant Don Wee, 43.
In a press statement, the party said it will unveil 26 new candidates over three days with their ages ranging from 30 to 56.
“Candidates are also from a diverse range of backgrounds, with Singaporeans from the private sector as well as public service. The party took significant effort to bring in more women candidates, with 10 in the line-up this year,” the statement added.
Mohd Fahmi Aliman, 48
Fahmi attended Jubilee Primary School and Jurong Secondary School, before getting a diploma from Ngee Ann Polytechnic and graduating with an honours degree in engineering from the University of Liverpool. He also has a graduate diploma in defence technological science from the National University of Singapore.
He counts his biggest accomplishments in the army to include a six-month deployment with the Aceh Monitoring Mission in 2005 and a six-month stint with the International Security Assistance Force in Kabul in 2012.
The father of four enjoys sports, and does trail running and trekking. He wants to improve awareness on health, including the mental health of the elderly. He is also interested in raising awareness on continuing education.
Yip Hon Weng, 43
Yip is a former civil servant with the elite Administrative Service. He graduated with a first class honours degree in physical education, sports science and mathematics from Loughborough University, on a Public Service Commission Overseas Award. He also obtained a post-graduate certificate in education from Exeter University on the same scholarship.
He has four Master’s degrees - from the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management. The latter was done on an Administrative Service scholarship. The areas of his post-graduate studies include applied mathematics, financial engineering and management.
Yip started his career at a secondary school, teaching physical education and mathematics. He later helmed key positions across four ministries: education, manpower, health and defence. Among others, he was senior director of policy and planning at the Municipal Services Office and group chief of the Silver Generation Office.
The father of five enjoys reading and trail running. He is a volunteer mediator with the law ministry’s Community Mediation Centre, helping residents resolve disputes. He wants to make Singapore the best place in the world to age in, by improving the mental health of seniors to tackle loneliness, dementia and depression, and improving coordination of aged care between government and community, among other things.
Hany Soh Hui Bin, 33
Soh studied in the normal academic stream in secondary school and obtained a diploma in law and management from Temasek Polytechnic. She worked as a paralegal before graduating with a second upper class honours law degree from the University of Liverpool. She became a lawyer in 2013 and is now a director at MSC Law Corporation.
She has been volunteering in Bukit Panjang since 2011. As chairperson of the Bukit Panjang Zone 2 Residents’ Committee (RC) in 2014, she set up the first community legal clinic in an RC. She provides pro bono legal advice to residents fortnightly and conducts regular law awareness talks focusing on estate planning. She also organises motivational talks for student and parents.
The mother of one wants to continue raising legal knowledge within the community via legal clinics and law awareness talks.
Don Wee Boon Hong, 43
Wee attended Nan Hua High School and graduated with a diploma in accountancy from Ngee Ann Polytechnic. He started work with a local bank as a non-executive while studying part-time for his degree in accountancy from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology via distance learning at the Singapore Institute of Management.
He became a certified practising accountant in 2003 after passing professional papers by CPA Australia. He went on to get a Master in Public Administration from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and a Master of Business Administration from the Nanyang Business School. He also attended Harvard Kennedy School’s executive education programme.
Wee chairs the West Coast Citizens Consultative Committee’s Community Development Welfare Fund Committee and West Coast Peak Neighbourhood Committee. He is a member of the Institute of Mental Health’s Visitors’ Board and the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants’ Council. He is also a pro bono Deputy of the Office of Public Guardian.
The father of two wants to help less privileged families break out of their poverty cycles and is concerned with the challenges that local companies face.
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