'Gears of War' lead teases new game reveal

Cliff Blezinski, design director on the "Gears of War" franchise, has been dropping clues about his new game since August 2013, and a countdown timer implies that a full announcement is coming very soon.

Tweeting a countdown timer that expires on July 7, Bleszinski follows up a July 1 selfie (whosay.com/status/CliffBleszinski/935968) in which he wore a t-shirt with a mysterious winged key logo.

Game industry data miner Superannuation turned up company registration activity connecting Bleszinski with a corporate entity called Boss Key Productions, while bosskey.com boasts the same logo as well as links to Twitter accounts @bosskey, @bluestreak, and back to @therealcliffyb.

He had previously referred to a project using the codename Silverstreak, an allusion to one of Hasbro's Transformer toys which, prior to 2003, was known as Bluestreak.

In February, the developer had discussed the appeal of crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter and early access programs such as that used by "DayZ."

The countdown timer (itsalmo.st/#time_biuoe) expires on Monday at 10pm EDT in Bleszinski's Raleigh, North Carolina, east coast USA -- 7pm on the west coast, 4am in central Europe.