George Conway Ridicules House Republicans With Ten MAGA Commandments

Conservative attorney George Conway on Thursday ripped House Republicans with an updated, Donald Trump-inspired version of The 10 Commandments.

Conway shared the mocking list on X, formerly Twitter, in response to Rep. Greg Steube’s (R-Fla.) praise of new House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) strong Christian faith, which critics fear will impact the running of the House.

The commandments are “to be posted in all Members’ offices per order of the Speaker,” Conway joked.

The first commandment read: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me, except thou shalt followeth thy Orange Jesus over any moral cliff.”

The fourth mocked Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-Colo.) “Beetlejuice” controversy: “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy, unless thou attendeth a musical production in Denver.”

The eighth ridiculed Trump’s bogus 2020 election fraud claims and alleged mishandling of classified documents: “Thou shalt not steal, unless thou needeth to stealeth one moreth than a certain number of popular votes or unless thou can hideth thy stollen documents at thy bathroom in thy resort.”

“Stollen” was intentionally misspelled to mock a frequent Trump typo.

Read the full list here:

Johnson was elected this week following three weeks of Republican infighting after the ousting of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) from the leadership role.

On Thursday, Johnson told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that his personal worldview can be found from picking up the Bible.
