George Lucas to get honorary Palme d’Or at Cannes Film Fest

The stars will align in the south of France when “Star Wars” creator George Lucas receives an honorary Palme d’Or at this year’s Cannes Film Festival.

Organizers announced Tuesday that the Academy Award-winning filmmaker behind the trailblazing sci-fi film franchise is being feted at the 77th annual closing ceremony on May 25 at the Grand Théâtre Lumière in Cannes, France.

The festival, which runs May 14-25, hailed the “legendary” Lucas for his ability to “combine great entertainment [with] innovation, mythology and modernity.”

In a statement, Lucas traced his affinity for the film fest to his early beginnings and debut feature “THX-1138.”

“The Festival de Cannes has always held a special place in my heart. I was surprised and elated when my first film, ‘THX-1138,’ was selected to be shown in a new program for first time directors called the Directors’ Fortnight. Since then, I have returned to the festival on many occasions in a variety of capacities as a writer, director and producer. I am truly honored by this special recognition which means a great deal to me,” he said.

The 79-year-old Modesto, California, native — also the brainchild behind the “Indiana Jones” blockbuster franchise — follows such luminaries as Jodi Foster, Forest Whitaker, Jane Fonda and Woody Allen, who were similarly honored by the French festival.