German man, 20, goes on trial for Islamic State membership

Defendant Kreshnik B., waits for the start of his trial in a courtroom in Frankfurt September 15, 2014. REUTERS/Ralph Orlowski

By Christoph Steitz FRANKFURT (Reuters) - A 20-year-old German man charged with joining Islamic State militants in Syria last year went on trial in Frankfurt on Monday, the first such case in Germany. Kreshnik B., who was born in Germany and whose parents are from Kosovo, is charged with membership of Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) between July and December 2013. The group has captured swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq, changed its name to Islamic State (IS) and declared a caliphate or Islamic state ruled under Sharia, Islamic law, in the heart of the Middle East. The United States has unveiled a plan to fight the militants, leading an international coalition, and on Monday French President Francois Hollande opened a conference in Paris bringing together officials from about 30 nations to discuss tackling the jihadist threat. German prosecutors say Kreshnik B. travelled to Syria with others to fight and once there received weapons training, fulfilled guard and medical duties and took part in a recruitment campaign close to the city of Aleppo. They say he engaged in combat on three occasions. Kreshnik B. was arrested at Frankfurt airport on his return in December 2013 and has been held in pre-trial custody since. His lawyer, Mutlu Gunal, told the court: "I would say the accused is suffering from post-traumatic stress," having probably witnessed much civilian suffering. Dressed in a black hooded jersey, black T-shirt and grey tracksuit trousers, Kreshnik B. smiled as he entered court. "You're a very young man, without a significant criminal record," lead judge Thomas Sagebiel said. "We consider giving you a chance to help us exercise leniency," he said, adding this required Kreshnik B.'s full cooperation. "It mostly depends on you." Thousands of Western volunteers have travelled to Syria and Iraq to join militant groups including Islamic State. The trend has raised fears in Europe and the United States of attacks by returning fighters. Security authorities say about 400 German citizens have joined IS in Iraq and Syria and about 40 have died, some in suicide attacks. More than 100 are believed to have returned. Prosecutors said they did not believe Kreshnik B. had planned any attacks on his return. Germany last week announced a ban on Islamic State, making IS propaganda, symbols and activities illegal. Austria said on Monday it planned a similar crackdown. Chancellor Angela Merkel has broken with Germany's post-war policy of not sending arms to war zones and has begun to send weapons and equipment to Iraqi Kurds fighting the militants. (Writing by Alexandra Hudson; Editing by Janet Lawrence)