German population swells to 82 million due to migrant influx

Migrants queue in front of the compound of the Berlin Office of Health and Social Affairs (LAGESO) for their registration process in Berlin, Germany, January 29, 2016. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's population likely increased by its largest amount in over two decades last year as an influx of migrants more than compensated for a rise in deaths, the Federal Statistics Office said on Friday. The office estimated that the population climbed to 81.9 million in 2015, up from 81.2 million the year before. It was the biggest year-on-year rise since 1992. In a breakdown of the numbers, the office said that at least 900,000 more people came to Germany last year than left. That more than offset the so-called "birth deficit" -- the difference between the number of births and deaths, which was estimated at between 190,000 and 215,000. This deficit was driven by a strong rise in deaths to between 905,000 and 930,000, compared to 868,000 in 2014. Births were estimated to have totalled between 705,000 and 730,000 last year. (Reporting by Michelle Martin; Editing by Noah Barkin)