Germany's Schaeuble urges parties to compromise, take responsibility

Wolfgang Schaeuble of CDU, president of the Bundestag, German lower house of Parliament, is seen during a session of the Bundestag in Berlin, Germany, November 21, 2017. REUTERS/Axel Schmidt

BERLIN (Reuters) - German parties must be more willing to compromise and take responsibility to form a coalition government because Europe and the world need Berlin as a strong and reliable ally, Parliamentary President Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Tuesday.

Speaking to lawmakers in the Bundestag lower house of parliament after efforts to form a three-way alliance failed, Schaeuble said: "Europe needs a Germany that is capable of acting. The reactions from abroad show that Europe and many other countries in the world are waiting for us."

Schaeuble, a veteran conservative and former finance minister, added: "The challenges are huge and just as we ourselves need strong partners, our neighbours also want a reliable partner at their side."

(Reporting by Michael Nienaber; Editing by Madeline Chambers)