Girl, 5, shot dead on California highway while being driven to birthday party

Eliyanah Crisostomo  (NBC Bay Area)
Eliyanah Crisostomo (NBC Bay Area)

A five-year-old girl was shot and killed while riding in her family’s car on a California freeway as they headed to a birthday dinner.

Officials say that Eliyanah Crisostomo was in a vehicle travelling south on Interstate 880 on Saturday night when she was struck by a bullet.

The California Highway Patrol says that an officer was doing a traffic stop when the family approached him and told them their daughter had been hit by gunfire.

The youngster was taken to hospital where she was pronounced dead. The incident took place in Fremont, California, which is about 30 miles south of Oakland.

Eliyanah was a student at Central Park Elementary School in Santa Clara.

“We are devastated by the tragic and senseless loss of young Eliyanah,” said Superintendent Dr Gary Waddell, of the Santa Clara Unified School District. “Our hearts are with her family, friends, and the Central Park community.”

And the statement added: “We are all heartbroken to lose such a bright young soul as Eliyanah and Santa Clara Unified joins her family, friends, and community in their grief and will be there to support them through this difficult time.”

The investigation is ongoing.