Glass Onion actor Jackie Hoffman pokes fun at Netflix subtitle description in Knives Out movie

Glass Onion actor Jackie Hoffman has poked fun at Netflix’s subitle desctption of her in the Knives Out sequel.

Hoffman appears in a small role in the new Rian Johnson film, playing the mother of Dave Bautista’s character, Duke Cody.

The actor can be heard before she’s seen, interrupting mens activist Duke as he’s live streaming to his followers.

Hoffman, who watched the film following its addition to Netflix on Friday (23 December), highlighted the subtitles’ description of her to her Twitter followers.

“We had the subtitles on for @KnivesOut Glass Onion, and when I started speaking off camera, I was described as: ‘older woman’,” the comedy star wrote on Twitter.

Hoffman is a star of stage and screen, and her credits include Kissing Jessica Stein and Shiva Baby.

In 2017, she was Emmy nomianted for her role in Ryan Murphy series Feud, which toldt he story of the rivalry between Bette Davis (Susan Sarandon) and Joan Crawford (Jessica Lange).

When Hoffman lost the award to Big Little Lies star Laura Dern, she could be seen shouting “damn it!” in a comedic reference to the famous Hollywood feud at the centre of the show.

Jackie Hoffman poked fun at ‘Glass Onion’ subtitle (Netflix)
Jackie Hoffman poked fun at ‘Glass Onion’ subtitle (Netflix)

Glass Onion is currently the most-streamed title on Netflix. the ensemble cast includes Daniel Craig, who returns as etective Benoit Blanc, Janelle Monae, Kathryn Hahn, Edward Norton and Kate Hudson.

Read The Independent’s interview with Hudson here, and its review of the sequel here.