Good Trouble boss teases possible TV movie following series finale

maia mitchell, cierra ramirez, good trouble
Good Trouble boss teases possible TV movieCarlos Lopez-Calleja

Good Trouble showrunner Joanna Johnson has teased a possible TV movie following the show's series finale.

The The Fosters spin-off came to an end after five seasons on Tuesday (March 5), bidding farewell to the residents of the Coterie including sisters Mariana (Cierra Ramirez) and Callie (Maia Mitchell).

But this might not be the complete end. Johnson has now revealed that she'd like to revisit the characters in a potential movie, teasing the idea of a double wedding involving Mariana and Evan (TJ Linnard).

good trouble cast hugging each other

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After being asked if she thinks the couple will continue to work alongside each other as co-CEOs of Speckulate, Johnson told TVLine: "I do, yeah. Absolutely. I think they make a good partnership.

"Maybe in the TV movie, one day, we'll do a double wedding, and we'll have them get married, too."

On the chances of a movie ever coming to fruition, she continued: "Well, I would do it in a heartbeat, but you know, unfortunately, it's not up to me. So I don't know. I know that on Hulu, we've been trending for the last few weeks in the Top 15 of what people are watching.

maia mitchell, cierra ramirez, good trouble
Carlos Lopez-Calleja

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"We're number 7, and we've been there for a couple of weeks. I do think that there are people that do love the show and would watch a TV movie, but I just don't know if people make those anymore, you know?"

Good Trouble was confirmed to be ending with its fifth season in December. Responding to the cancellation on Instagram, Mitchell shared a photo of herself and Ramirez along with the caption: "10 years of making TV with my best friend. Could not be more proud of you."

Meanwhile, Ramirez said: "It has been one of the greatest privileges of my life to play a character on a show for 10+ years that has helped get important conversations started, pushed for transformative change in the world, & has inspired people to be themselves & find a place of comfort."

Good Trouble is available on BBC iPlayer and Disney+ in the UK, while it airs on Freeform in the US.

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