Grace Ip and Eric Kwok rumoured to be involved in drug scandal

26 Nov – After Kenny Wong revealed that a group of celebrities were caught on tape taking drugs at his restaurant, Netizens have been making their own investigations regarding the identities of the five celebrities involved in the scandal.

Popular Asians website reported that the latest rumour claimed that the five celebrities present inside the VIP room taking drugs were Eason Chan's wife, Hilary Tsui, actor Sam Lee, To Yu Fung, and newlyweds Grace Ip and Eric Kwok.

At their wedding celebration on 23 November, the couple were asked about the rumour and Grace replied, "I am not scared one bit. The news is absurd. I will not rule out seeking out a lawyer! My mother-in-law said that if I did not do it, I should sue the tabloids."

Meanwhile, singer-actor Steven Cheung posted a photo of himself at the police station last night on Instagram, causing fans to speculate about Steven's involvement in the scandal. The singer however, wrote, "Everyone, please don't be worried, it is not me who is involved. I went to provide my statement, but I cannot reveal what happened."

In October 2011, five celebrities gathered at Kenny Wong's restaurant, Taiwan Yiping Huadiao Chicken, and were filmed by security cameras inside a VIP room smoking, taking pills and a powder-like substance. The case is currently under investigation by the police.