Green Monday partners with 50 outlets to offer delicious plant-based options
SINGAPORE – We're well into January 2022, also known as the third year into the pandemic. The past two years have thrown the concept of wellness and health into the forefront of people's mind, and if there's a good time to explore a less damaging way of living on this Earth, this is the time. As the month of new beginnings, it's no wonder that January has been dubbed Veganuary.
Veganuary is the world's largest vegan movement. Its aim is to inspire people to try eating vegan, and to cultivate the habit throughout the rest of the year. To contribute to the efforts, Green Monday, an establishment promoting plant-based eating along with its subsidiaries OmniFoods and GreenCommon, have partnered with over 50 restaurant and coffee shop outlets in Singapore to provide consumers with a larger variety of vegan options for different palates and budgets.
The following restaurants are even launching new dishes made with plant-based meat from Omnifoods.
The Fullerton Hotel Singapore
The Fullerton Bay Hotel
Sheraton Towers, Li Bai Restaurant
Sheraton Towers, The Dining Room
Teik Kee at Foodloft
Saveur Thai at Foodloft
Shi Zhi Wei at Foodloft
Donburi no Tatsuji at Foodloft
Daily Green at Foodloft
Common Grill by Collin's at Foodloft
Kenny Rogers Roasters
From 13 – 19 January, Green Common, the retail and supplier arm of Green Monday, will offer special prices on signature restaurant favourites including the Golden Fillet-no-fish at S$10 (usual price S$16), Hainanese Trick’en Rice at S$10 (usual price S$16) and Laksa + Ice Lemon Tea at S$15 (usual price S$13 + S$5).
Diners can also stock up on deals to enjoy vegan eats at home, including OmniEat Crystal Dumpling (buy two for S$6), Heura Mediterranean Chunks/Heura Original Chunks/Heura Original Strips (any two for S$15), and Green Common Skinny Thins (Coffee)/Green Common Skinny Thins (Original) (any two for S$8).