Groom stopped for speeding at 121mph on motorway on way to his wedding

The bridegroom was stopped on the M4 in Wiltshire on Sunday while he was driving to his own ceremony.

A groom was stopped in his BMW on his way to his wedding. (SWNS)
A groom was stopped in his BMW on his way to his wedding. (SWNS)

A groom has been stopped for speeding at more than 120mph on his way to his wedding, police have said.

The man was pulled over by Wiltshire Police on Sunday after his silver BMW reached a speed of 121mph on the M4 motorway.

Officers said the vehicle also had a bald tyre.

Police said the driver was caught speeding along the M4 while trying to get to his nuptials later that day.

The force's Specialist Operations section tweeted on Sunday: "Usually, the bride is always late.

"Unfortunately, this groom has some explaining to do after being caught at 121mph on the M4 on the way to his wedding.

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Wiltshire Police posted images of their speed camera and the BMW's tyre. (SWNS)
Wiltshire Police posted images of their speed camera and the BMW's tyre. (SWNS)

"A read nearside tyre with cord exposed topped this stop off.

"Driver reported to court, vehicle prohibited."

Wiltshire Police posted an image of their speed recording device's reading, as well as an image of the BMW's tyre.

On Twitter, one user commented: "They do say it's bad luck to get married on a Sunday."

Another asked if the groom had told his bride about the incident, commenting: "Did he tell her what happened before the ceremony or after."