Guardians of the Galaxy 3 clip sees Star-Lord admit Infinity War mistake

chris pratt, guardians of the galaxy vol 3
Star-Lord admits his Infinity War mistakeMarvel Studios

In a newly-released clip from Marvel's upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Star-Lord finally fesses up to his controversial mistake in Avengers: Infinity War.

It's been a hot topic ever since the film's release in 2018, with many fans blaming Chris Pratt's character for Thanos' success in wiping out half the universe.

After all, the Avengers were painstakingly close to retrieving the Infinity Gauntlet... until Star-Lord attacked Thanos for sacrificing Gamora at Vormir in order to get the Soul Stone.

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Marvel Studios

Related: Avengers theory argues that Star-Lord's mistake actually saved the day

In a new clip from the third Guardians instalment, which was shared by Fandango on Twitter, we see Star-Lord, Gamora and Nebula holding a woman hostage in a lift.

Star-Lord then goes off on a tangent about how the Gamora he fell in love with isn't the Gamora standing next to him, all because "her dad threw her off a magic cliff and she died, and then I lost my temper and nearly destroyed half the universe."

This is the first time Star-Lord's blunder has been addressed onscreen since the release of Infinity War, so it's a scene that is sure amuse fans.

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While it's the first time it's been mentioned onscreen, the Russo brothers previously confirmed that the outcome of Infinity War was, in fact, Star-Lord's fault.

"That was the turning point of that scene. Again, these are flawed characters that make emotional choices, human choices [and] had Quill not done that, the movie might have ended right there," Joe Russo explained.

Pratt has also defended Star-Lord's actions, saying: "So I think he reacted in a way that's very human, and I think the humanity of the Guardians of the Galaxy is what sets them apart from other superheroes."

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 and Vol 2 and the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special are streaming on Disney+. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 arrives in cinemas on May 5, 2023.

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