Guillermo del Toro opens up on scrapped Jabba the Hutt movie

star wars villain jabba the hutt
Guillermo del Toro on scrapped Jabba the Hutt filmLucasfilm

Guillermo del Toro has opened up about the Star Wars movie he was working on, confirming that it was a project about Jabba the Hutt.

The Hellboy and The Shape of Water director teased that he was working on a movie about the giant space slug recently, after screenwriter David S Goyer stated that the duo were working on a Star Wars project together.

Speaking with Collider, del Toro elaborated on the project and confirmed some of the specifics for the first time.

guillermo del toro
Matt Winkelmeyer - Getty Images

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"We had the rise and fall of Jabba the Hutt, so I was super happy," he said. "We were doing a lot of stuff, and then it's not my property, it's not my money, and then it's one of those 30 screenplays that goes away.

"Sometimes I'm bitter, sometimes I'm not. I always turn to my team and say: 'Good practice, guys. Good practice. We designed a great world. We designed great stuff. We learned.'"

Just to drive home how relaxed he is about not making a Star Wars film, del Toro added: "You can never be ungrateful with life. Whatever life sends you, there's something to be learned from it.

star wars villain jabba the hutt

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"So, you know, I trust the universe. I do. When something doesn't happen, I go 'Why?' I try to have a dialogue with myself. 'Why didn't it happen?' And the more you swim upstream with the universe, the less you're gonna realize where you're going."

Del Toro said previously that they were working on the film 6 years ago, which was when Disney was pursuing anthology films, until the box office disappointment of Solo caused the corporation to pivot to Disney+ TV shows.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and the entire Skywalker Saga are available on DVD, Blu-ray and 4K now, as well as on Disney+.

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