Guy in Singapore finds dead body while Pokemon hunting


The global Pokémon GO craze finally arrived in Singapore two days ago with the official launch of the location-based augmented reality game app.

The game is developed by Niantic for iOS and Android devices. In the game, players use a mobile device’s GPS capability to locate, capture, battle, and train virtual creatures, called Pokémon, who appear on the screen as if they were in the same real-world location as the player.

Everywhere you go in Singapore, you will see players glued to their mobile devices, hunting and catching pokemons.

According to wikipedia, Pokémon Go was released to mixed reviews, with critics praising the game’s concept and the incentive to be more active in the real world, while criticising frequent technical issues apparent at launch. Despite such reviews, it quickly became a global phenomenon and was one of the most used mobile apps, reportedly having been downloaded by more than 100 million people worldwide. It was credited with popularsing location-based and augmented reality gaming, as well as for promoting physical activity. However, it has also attracted controversy for contributing to accidents and becoming a public nuisance at some locations. Multiple governments expressed concerns over the game’s security, and game was banned in some countries as a result.

There are reports of people getting mugged or getting into scuttles while hunting for pokemons. A woman in Amercia was reported to have found a dead body in Wyoming while looking for pokemons.

In Singapore, it seems the same thing just happened today to this guy, Azmi Suarez:

In his post at around 11am in the morning, Azmi Suarez shared that he saw a dead body which seems like that of an old lady at Woodlands Waterfront Park, floating on the water.

Scary isn’t it? Especially when this month is also the Lunar Seventh Month, or the Hungry Ghost Festival for the Chinese.

Please pay attention to your surroundings and play the game responsibly when you are hunting and catching pokemons.

The Singapore Police is pretty efficient and had released a public advisory note to Pokemon GO players almost right after the game was released in Singapore:

Remember the woman who wrote to the Straits Times asking the Singapore government to consider regulating or even outright banning Pokemon GO?

If you do not wish for people like this to have her way, play the game with care. Knowing how much of a nanny state Singapore is, do not give the authorities the chance to take away your freedom to enjoy a fun little game.

On a lighter note. If you are just starting out with Pokemon GO, here are some useful tips for beginners in Singapore.

Remember, please be very careful when you go around trying to catch’em all.

The post Guy in Singapore finds dead body while Pokemon hunting appeared first on Alvinology.