Immediate medical help would have prevented death of Baltimore man -prosecution

Baltimore Police officer William Porter (R) approaches the court House in Baltimore, Maryland, November 30, 2015. Porter is one of six Baltimore City police officer charged in connection with the death of Freddie Gray. REUTERS/Rob Carr/Pool -

By Ian Simpson BALTIMORE (Reuters) - The prosecution in the case of a Baltimore police officer charged in the death of a black man in custody said he would not have died had he received immediate medical help, while a defence lawyer attacked the findings of a medical examiner who ruled the death a homicide. Officer William Porter, 26, is accused of manslaughter in the April death of Freddie Gray from a spinal injury suffered while he was transported in a police van. His death triggered rioting in the city and fuelled a U.S. debate on police tactics. Dr. Morris Marc Soriano, a neurological surgeon from Rockford, Illinois, and witness for the prosecution, said the failure to get Gray medical attention brought on brain death. Had a medic promptly put a breathing tube down Gray's throat, "he would not have suffered the brain injury that killed him," he said. Assistant Medical Examiner Dr. Carol Allan, who conducted Gray's autopsy, testified in Baltimore City Circuit Court that she would not have classified Gray's death a homicide had Porter called a medic when Gray asked for one. Defence attorney Joseph Murtha asked Allan whether she was shown any evidence that showed Gray was hurt between the van's second and fourth stops or if that was her belief. Agreeing with Murtha, Allan called her finding a "theory." "It's a theory based on witnesses' statements of Freddie Gray's behaviour and medical analysis of the injury," she said. The van made six stops after Gray, handcuffed and shackled, was put in it. Medical help was not called until Gray was found unconscious at the last one, at a police station. Gray was arrested after a foot chase. He was put in the back of a transport van and was not secured by a seat belt. Porter faces charges that include manslaughter and assault. Prosecutors contend he was negligent in failing to call a medic when Gray asked for one and for failing to fasten a seat belt for him. The defence has said Porter did not believe Gray was seriously injured until he was found unconscious at the police station. Angelique Herbert, a Baltimore Fire Department paramedic, said when she arrived at the station Porter and another officer were supporting Gray's head at the back of the van. He was not breathing, had no pulse and had blood seeping from his nostrils. When Herbert felt the back of his neck, "the midline wasn't firm, it was more crumbly," she said. One of the jurors, a black woman, was excused for a medical emergency, and was replaced by a white man. The panel now comprises seven women and five men. Porter is the first of six officers to face trial. Charges against the other officers range from misconduct to second-degree murder. (Reporting by Ian Simpson; Editing by Dan Grebler)