Hairy Bikers fans recall emotional life advice Dave Myers gave Si King ahead of death

Hairy Bikers fans are recalling a moving piece of advice Dave Myers gave Si King in a recent episode of Go West.

Myers and King can currently be seen together on-screen in the cookery series. which airs on BBC Two. Myers will appear in forthcoming episodes posthumously after his death, aged 66, on Wednesday (28 February).

King announced “the sad news”, writing on Instagram: “I’m afraid I bear some sad news. Most of you will know Dave has been fighting cancer for the past couple of years. Last night, on 28 February 2024, with Lili, Dave’s wife, his family, close friend David and myself by his side, he passed away peacefully at home.

“All who knew Dave are devastated at his passing. His beloved wife brought him such happiness as did her children, Iza and Sergiu who Dave loved like his own.”

King continued: “Personally, I am not sure I can put into words on how I feel at the moment. My best friend is on a journey that for now, I can’t follow. I will miss him every day and the bond and friendship we shared over half a lifetime. I wish you god’s speed brother; you are and will remain a beacon in this world. See you on the other side. Love ya.”

In the wake of the announcement, fans are recalling a moving interaction between the pair in a recent episode of Go West, which aired earlier this month.

After candidly sharing details of his cancer diagnosis, Myers issued some advice to his friend, whom he met in 1996: “One thing I’d say is you have to live for today – don’t live for tomorrow because you don’t know what’s around the corner. It could be a double-decker bus. Live for today and don’t worry so much.

“I’ve always been a stupid worrier. Big stuff, I’m alright, but I worry about the daft stuff. But now I’m learning, I’m like, ‘Come on Myers get it in perspective!”

Myers then added: “But cancer – there’s nothing kicks you in the teeth like that.”

When Myers first announced his cancer diagnosis in May 2022, he refrained from naming what type, revealing he did not want to specifybecause he felt as though the public might start drawing conclusions about his health.

Si King and Dave Myers in ‘Hairy Bikers: Go West’ (BBC)
Si King and Dave Myers in ‘Hairy Bikers: Go West’ (BBC)

He told The Guardian in 2022 that he decided not to disclose what type of cancer he had “because everybody then goes Googling, everybody becomes an amateur doctor... And I don’t want to be judged – yet.”