Harvey Weinstein Conviction Reversal Draws Outrage Online: ‘In Case Things Didn’t Already Suck Badly Enough for Women’

Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 conviction on felony sex crime charges was overturned by New York’s top court on Thursday morning, stunning people everywhere. But the surprise very quickly turned to outrage online.

The New York State Court of Appeals found that the trial judge who handed Weinstein’s case “erroneously admitted testimony of uncharged, alleged prior sexual acts,” allowing information to be presented that prejudiced the jury because the accusations weren’t part of the charges against him.

That particular aspect drew most of the fury, as many argued past accusations spoke to his overall character, and thus were incredibly vital.

“Sorry sorry… did I just read that right? Harvey Weinstein has his rape conviction overturned because his lawyers have said there was too much bad character evidence and too many women came forward with their own experiences?” one person wrote. “F—ing spare me. Honest to god. The state of this legal system.”

Weinstein, now 71, has served about four years of his original 23-year sentence in a prison in upstate Rome, New York. But now, a retrial has been ordered for the case, and many online immediately worried for the women who would potentially have to testify against Weinstein yet again.

“When victims say the ‘justice system’ re-traumatises them, this is what they mean,” one person wrote.

“Harvey Weinstein – the last gasp of a narcissistic void determined to have the last word,” another posted. “His victims will be forced to go through it all again and for what? He’s a rapist. He is unrepentant. I hope he rots.”

That said, Weinstein will remain in prison for the time being, as he was also convicted last year for separate sexual assault and rape charges. That ruling earned him 16 years in prison.

You can see more online reactions to the reversal below.

The post Harvey Weinstein Conviction Reversal Draws Outrage Online: ‘In Case Things Didn’t Already Suck Badly Enough for Women’ appeared first on TheWrap.