HBO documentary star goes missing from Pittsburgh bar

 Patrick Pespas attends the NY premiere of the HBO Docuseries “Telemarketers” at Hudson Yards on July 26, 2023 in New York City.  (Getty Images for HBO)
Patrick Pespas attends the NY premiere of the HBO Docuseries “Telemarketers” at Hudson Yards on July 26, 2023 in New York City. (Getty Images for HBO)

Patrick Pespas, the star of the hit HBO documentary Telemarketers, has been reported missing with Pennsylvania police putting out an alert saying he he has not been seen by his family since last week.

“Pat is missing, and Sue, his family and friends are very worried about him,” Adam Bala Lough, one of the creators of the three-part series, wrote on X.

Mr Pespas, 54, is a recovering drug addict who spent two decades working as a telemarketer for a New Jersey company. Mr Lough said on Sunday that Mr Pespas may have been seen at a bar in Pittsburgh on Saturday night.

“Someone claims to have spotted Pat in a bar in Pittsburgh last night called Knuckleheads near Ross Township. If anyone can confirm that please let me know,” he wrote.

He later added that the sighting had been confirmed.

Mr Lough took to X on Tuesday to thank everyone who has been helping in the search for Mr Pespas, writing, “Let’s all continue to hope and pray for Pat’s safe return.”

Police say Mr Pespas may be driving a white 2002 Ford Mustang with New Jersey plates N74KUB.

“Police are concerned for his well-being,” Easton Police Department said in a statement on Monday.

Anyone with information on his whereabouts is asked to call 911.